Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Helicoptor Idol...

Did anybody see American Idol tonight? It's the second time I've ever watched... but now I want to buy this one, just because of the clear example of helicopter parenting... this girl auditions in LA, and decides to sing a song that her mom and aunt "pressured her" into singing. She doesn't make it through. The mom gets up on stage and explains to the judges that it's her fault, and wants them to give her daughter another chance. Simon loses it and freaks out...

What does "helicopter parenting" come down for us as recruiters? How do you find the balance between "beat 'em" and "join 'em"? How do your actions then filter down to the student life department (if you decide to "join 'em")... would resisting the helicopter parents be the encouragement that sends them elsewhere?

I'd love to hear your solutions, thoughts, and feelings on this issue. Let me know if you're interested in resources for further pro D on this topic (helicopter parenting people, not American Idol :) )...

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